Cantaloupe Interim Management
Cantaloupe Informs!

Cantaloupe Interim Management is fortunate to have the opportunity to collaborate successfully and in an enriching way on an interpersonal level with an extensive network of experienced HR Interim Managers. “Cantaloupe Informs!” reflects this collaboration: in addition to our own news items, you can also read the contributions of our freelance HR experts. Their topics not only deal with specific HR issues, but also with current societal developments.


How to prevent a communication breakdown when deploying a new corporate policy? – Kristien Debougnoux

08 December 2020

Kristien Debougnoux challenges the idea that the cascade down of information via line managers is the best communication channel to launch a new corporate policy. She describes in her article some root causes for failure in communicating a new corporate policy. In addition to a number of best practices to avoid this communication breakdown, Kristien also highlights some key elements  for mobilizing line managers to fully embrace their role in this matter.

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Bordjes in de lucht houden. – Philippe Bailleur

02 December 2020

Work, objectives, tasks, expectations, commitments, projects, ambitions, etc. can overwhelm us. Philippe Bailleur shares with us how, by trial and error, he has found his way in the art of not losing yourself in the maze of life.

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Wellbeing op de werkvloer: leidinggevenden én medewerkers als “collega’s in hoofd en hart”. – Marc Vande Gucht

23 November 2020

Based on a joint management expertise acquired through + 50 years of field experience, and in consultation with a number of Flemish business managers, Geert Serneels and Marc Vande Gucht have bundled their insights about mental wellbeing in the workplace in a recently published book: “Collega in hoofd en hart”. In his article, Marc discusses 9 suggestions for managers that can have a significant positive effect on the general wellbeing in the organisation.

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Een herstructurering bekeken door de bril van een externe HR-specialist: evenwichtsoefening tussen juridische correctheid en menselijke aanpak. – An Lavrysen

10 November 2020

Corporate restructuring is a particularly complex and intense process. It is a delicate balancing act in which the agendas and aspirations of the various parties involved deserve the right attention. Based on her extensive experience in managing corporate restructuring, An Lavrysen gives us a clear description of a number of crucial elements in the restructuring process as well as the added value that an external HR specialist can provide.

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Social Negotiations: necessary and painfull evil or laying the foundation for a shared future? – Georges Vandenhove

08 October 2020

The present economic consequences of the severe health crisis are leading to many  negotiations between the social partners. Leadership and employee representatives should aim to get most out of these social negotiations in order to do what is best for their customers, their employees and their shareholders. Georges Vandenhove pleas for abandoning the old roads of conflict in social negotiations. He states that although social partners don’t necessarily need to agree on everything, it always takes two to tango.

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