Cantaloupe Interim Management
Cantaloupe Informs!

Cantaloupe Interim Management is fortunate to have the opportunity to collaborate successfully and in an enriching way on an interpersonal level with an extensive network of experienced HR Interim Managers. “Cantaloupe Informs!” reflects this collaboration: in addition to our own news items, you can also read the contributions of our freelance HR experts. Their topics not only deal with specific HR issues, but also with current societal developments.


5 Indicators for a Successful Strategic Transformation – Nicolas Kesteloot

10 June 2020

With “5 Indicators for a Successful Strategic Transformation” Nicolas Kesteloot gives food for thought to the HR Professionals who will be involved in designing and implementing the necessary change that will take place in many companies in the coming months.

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Online ThinkTank

Verslag Online ThinkTank “HR Freelancer in Post-Corona” (22/04/2020) – Marc Plancke

11 May 2020

De beoogde toegevoegde waarde van de Online Thinktank “HR Freelancer in Post-Corona” georganiseerd op 22/04 door Cantaloupe Interim Management, Emerantia en Synthetron, was tweeledig: enerzijds een zicht krijgen op de huidige situatie en perspectieven van de specifieke groep van HR Freelancers en anderzijds het gevoel en de beleving  van deze “community” ten opzichte van de huidige problematiek capteren door middel van een dialoog/discussie, als alternatief voor de meer kwantitatieve surveys.

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Een Herstructurering in het Buitenland-wat is de echte HR uitdaging? – Marc de Leeuw

17 April 2020

According to Marc de Leeuw, having a thorough knowledge of local legislation is not the biggest challenge for HR when restructuring abroad. On the contrary, he puts the following critical success factors first: control over communication and its impact; managing expectations and maintaining a respectful relationship with the local organisation.

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De rol van de Uitdager in Strategische Verandering – Toon Torbeyns/Daan Sorgeloos

18 March 2020

New times require new adjustments. Organizations need pivotal figures to promote the required changes. Toon Torbeyns and Daan Sorgeloos, co-founders of Ginkgo Consulting, describe the important role of the Strategy- Challenger in increasing the adaptability of organizations: what is his/her core task, how to achieve the goal, what obstacles need to be taken,…

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Aan de Slag met Slachtoffergedrag – Philippe Bailleur/Mieke Toppets

03 February 2020

Philippe Bailleur and Mieke Toppets, co-founders of Progression Designers, note that victim behaviour is a phenomenon that organisations often have to deal with. The following questions led them to write this blog: “How can you see the difference between legitimate victim behaviour – to which recognition and care is the most appropriate answer – and victim behaviour that has evolved into a negative pattern from which no one or nothing does benefit? And what is the most appropriate course of action?”

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