Cantaloupe Interim Management
Cantaloupe Informs!

Cantaloupe Interim Management is fortunate to have the opportunity to collaborate successfully and in an enriching way on an interpersonal level with an extensive network of experienced HR Interim Managers. “Cantaloupe Informs!” reflects this collaboration: in addition to our own news items, you can also read the contributions of our freelance HR experts. Their topics not only deal with specific HR issues, but also with current societal developments.


The Liquid Enterprise and its Impact on HR – Lieven Lambrecht

08 August 2019

In order to be successful, companies will have to switch in the near future to a new and dynamic people system. Lieven Lambrecht analyses the impact of this development on HR. What would a liquid HR department look like? Will HR also disappear in the human cloud? Discover it in “The Liquid Enterprise and its Impact on HR”…

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Ook Organisaties kunnen gewond raken

Organisations can also get Injured – Philippe Bailleur

14 June 2019

In “Organizations can also get injured” Philippe deals with the topic “System Trauma”, a phenomenon that is particularly relevant today for organizations that all too often continue to reduce its symptoms, such as burn-out, to something of the individual rather than seeing it as a possible expression of a suffering organization.

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What Companies can Learn from the Birds and the Bees door Karl Bolle

What Companies can learn from the Birds and the Bees – Karl Bolle

13 June 2019

Companies can learn a lot from bee colonies, more specifically in the areas of “organizational design”, “shareholder value” and “collective performance”. An enlightening approach that Karl develops in “What Companies can learn from the Birds and the Bees”.

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“STANDOUT HR: the Making Of…”  door Vero Van Middelem

STANDOUT HR: the Making Of… – Veronique Van Middelem

12 June 2019

“Standout HR”, available from Amazon and, aims to provide business leaders of medium-sized organisations with insight into how to develop an HR policy for their company. In “Standout HR: the Making of…” Vero indicates what prompted her to write her (first) book and she takes us through the various stages of its realisation.

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“De Toegevoegde Waarde van HR Interim Management Bureau’s“ door Marc Plancke

The Added Value of HR Interim Management Agencies – Marc Plancke

11 June 2019

Since 2012, Cantaloupe Interim Management has been helping companies in their search for available HR Freelancers with specific expertise. In “The Added Value of HR Interim Management Agencies”, you can read why Marc started Cantaloupe, when companies and HR Freelancers call on agencies such as Cantaloupe and what they expect/appreciate from these agencies.

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